Strengths-based development2025-01-27T14:56:33+01:00

What would happen if we focused on what is right with people, rather than fixating on what is wrong with them?

Strength Focus is an Effective Way to Create Sustainable Growth in the Company
But it’s not easy. We all use our strengths every day to varying degrees. Research shows that our top 5 strengths account for about 70% of all our actions. We’re so accustomed to our strengths that we take them for granted and often don’t even notice them. When we work with strength-focused development, we help uncover these strengths and explore how, by getting to know them well, they can be utilized in a much more targeted, practical way to bring greater benefits and engagement.

Focus on Strengths and Engagement: A Path to Enhanced Workplace Outcomes

Focusing on strengths and engagement has been shown to improve various aspects of a company. A strength-based approach leads to increased efficiency and performance while helping employees feel valued and more engaged in their work. The key to achieving this is fostering a culture that supports a focus on strengths and engagement.

For individuals who focus on their strengths, the likelihood of being engaged in their jobs is six times higher! According to the report State of the Global Workplace (Gallup® 2013), only 21% of Danish employees feel engaged at their workplace. Meanwhile, 69% reported that they do not feel engaged, and 10% described themselves as actively disengaged.

In numbers…

There are many benefits to developing a strength focus—personally, within the team, in the organization, and in the company.

“Everybody is a Genius. But If You Judge a Fish by Its Ability to Climb a Tree, It Will Live Its Whole Life Believing that It is Stupid”
Albert Eistein

Four Pathways to Strength Focus

Strength-focused development can begin in many different ways and places


Enhance your leadership by understanding and utilizing your talents and strengths more intentionally and effectively.


Achieve better collaboration, greater efficiency, and even more job satisfaction in your daily work.


Get to know your talents and strengths better to foster personal growth and development.


Focus on talents and strengths to identify the most suitable new employees.

Q&A about strength-based development

What is Strength-Based Development?2025-01-28T11:30:26+01:00

Strength-Based Development

Strength-based development is an approach to personal and professional growth that focuses on identifying, developing, and leveraging individual strengths and talents. It is about building and enhancing what already works well, rather than focusing on correcting weaknesses or shortcomings.

Our strength-based development involves several steps, including a strengths assessment with a thorough evaluation of one’s strengths and weaknesses, feedback from others, the development of a personal strength plan, and training on how to apply one’s strengths in various situations.

The goal of our strength-based development is to help individuals understand their personal strengths and weaknesses, so they can utilize their strengths to improve their well-being and success in life and at work. By focusing on strengths, individuals can expect a more positive and constructive approach to personal development, leading to greater motivation, engagement, and well-being.

Strength-based development can be applied at both an individual and organizational level to achieve better results and well-being. It helps create a more positive and motivating work culture where employees and leaders can support each other in leveraging their strengths in a constructive way.

What is Strength-Based Leadership Development?2025-01-28T11:28:12+01:00

What is Strength-Based Leadership Development?

Strength-based leadership development is an approach to leadership growth that focuses on identifying and leveraging a leader’s individual strengths and talents to create a more effective leader. Instead of concentrating on fixing weaknesses or shortcomings, this method emphasizes building and enhancing what already works well.

Our strength-based leadership development involves several steps, including a strengths assessment with a comprehensive evaluation of the leader’s strengths and areas for improvement, feedback from colleagues and team members, the development of a personalized strengths plan, and training on how to apply these strengths in leadership scenarios.

The purpose of strength-based leadership development is to help leaders understand their personal strengths and weaknesses and how to use these strengths to improve their leadership and the organization’s outcomes. By focusing on strengths in leadership, this highly positive and constructive approach fosters greater motivation and engagement for leaders, ultimately boosting the efficiency and productivity of the organization.

What is Strengths-Based Team Development?2025-01-28T11:32:02+01:00

Strength-based team development focuses on identifying and leveraging the unique strengths and talents of team members to enhance collaboration, productivity, and overall team well-being.

This approach involves conducting strength assessments, performing a thorough evaluation of the team’s strengths and areas for improvement, providing feedback from team members, creating a plan to maximize strengths, and training the team on how to apply these strengths effectively in various scenarios.

The primary objective is to help team members understand each other’s strengths and weaknesses, enabling them to work together more effectively and achieve better results. By focusing on strengths, teams can foster greater motivation, engagement, and satisfaction.

Strength-based team development can significantly improve a team’s performance, efficiency, and morale. It also helps create a positive workplace culture where team members support each other and contribute their strengths to drive the team’s success.

What is Strengths-Based Coaching?2025-01-28T11:31:29+01:00

Strength-based coaching is an approach to coaching that emphasizes identifying and leveraging the client’s unique strengths and talents to help them achieve their goals and unlock their potential for success. It is a positive and resource-focused method based on the belief that clients already possess the necessary resources to accomplish what they desire.

Our strength-based development involves several steps, including a strengths assessment with a thorough evaluation of individual strengths and weaknesses, reflections and feedback, the development of a personalized strength plan, and training on how to effectively leverage strengths in various situations.

The purpose of strength-based coaching is to help individuals understand their personal strengths and weaknesses, enabling them to leverage their strengths to improve performance, well-being, and success in life and at work. By focusing on strengths, individuals can adopt a more positive and constructive approach to personal development, leading to greater motivation, engagement, and overall well-being.

Vi arbejder også i vores styrkebaserede coaching med til at hjælpe vores kunder med at opnå specifikke mål, som f.eks. at forbedre deres lederskab, deres kommunikation eller deres karrieremuligheder. Det kan også hjælpe en med at opnå mere generelle mål, som f.eks. at øge ens selvtillid, reducere stress eller forbedre ens work-life balance.

What are your Signature Strengths?2025-01-28T11:32:48+01:00

Signature strengths are the strengths that a person possesses and that are most characteristic of their personality and behavior. These are the strengths that the person frequently uses naturally and intuitively, and that bring them the greatest satisfaction and meaning in their life and work.

Signature strengths are a central part of the strengths-based approach to personal development, and they can be identified using a variety of methods, including surveys, interviews, and observations.

According to research conducted by Marcus Buckingham and Donald O. Clifton, there are 34 strengths that are common to all people and form the foundation of signature strengths. These 34 strengths include, for example, goal orientation, flexibility, analytical thinking, communication, fairness, strategic thinking, and harmony.

When a person knows their signature strengths, they can use them to improve their performance, well-being, and success in life and at work. They can also leverage their signature strengths to create more meaningful relationships and contribute to their community in a way that aligns with their personal values and beliefs.

What is the sunny side of a strength?2025-01-27T15:25:50+01:00

The sunny side of strengths refers to the positive and beneficial qualities that come with having a particular strength. Every strength has a sunny side, which encompasses a range of positive traits associated with the strength, contributing to a person’s well-being and success in life and at work.

For example, the strength of “perseverance” may have a sunny side that includes positive traits such as persistence, patience, willpower, and the ability to overcome adversity. These qualities can help a person achieve their goals, handle challenges, and maintain motivation and commitment over time.

Focusing on the sunny side of strengths can help a person understand and leverage their strengths in a positive and constructive way, leading to greater well-being, happiness, and success in life and at work. It can also foster a more positive and motivating work culture, where employees and leaders support each other in utilizing their strengths constructively.

What is the shadow side of a strength?2025-01-27T14:03:55+01:00

The shadow side of strengths refers to the negative and undesirable aspects of a strength when it is expressed in an extreme or unbalanced way. While strengths typically have many positive qualities, they can also have a shadow side that may lead to negative consequences if not balanced and managed properly.

For example, the strength of “ambition” may have a shadow side that includes negative traits such as greed, selfishness, dishonesty, and stress. If a person becomes overly ambitious and focuses solely on achieving their own goals, they might damage relationships, make unethical decisions, and create significant stress and anxiety for themselves and others.

Understanding the shadow side of strengths can help a person become more aware of their own tendencies and take steps to balance their strengths and minimize their shadow sides. It can also contribute to fostering a more balanced and healthy work culture, where employees and leaders collaborate to balance their strengths and address their shadow sides to achieve better outcomes and well-being.

In Denmark, only 21% of employees are engaged!

Kilde: State of The Global Workplace 2013.

Research shows that performance, productivity, and innovation can be increased by focusing on engagement in the workplace. Engaged employees experience more job satisfaction and are loyal to their employer. One of the best ways to boost employee engagement is by focusing on the development of talents and strengths.



Engaged employees are loyal and dedicated to the workplace. They are more productive and innovative.


Not engaged

Non-engaged employees do their work and may be satisfied with their job, but they lack engagement, passion, and energy. If they receive a better job offer, there is a high likelihood that they will accept it.


Actively not engaged

Actively disengaged employees are constantly negative and are quick to share their negativity.




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2820 Gentofte

Tel.: +45 23 60 12 13

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